Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet


A collection of Photographs of Mrs St Osyth Wood


St Osyth aged 70

Mrs St Osyth Wood

Mrs St Osyth Wood

St Osyth inside Parsonage Hall


<<<<<St Osyth smoking a pipe whilst embroidering, accompanied by
Madge Anderson Brock who was companion to Mrs. Wood's mother.

Abstract Sculpture of "Osyth" by
Joxe de Alberdi

St Osyth relaxing in Malaga, Spain 1936

Mrs Wood (left) with possibly Major and Mrs Swan of Hunthay Axminster

Research by Alan Beales .webmaster
Acknowledgement to Amanda and Neville Hume of Sutton Coldfield for all their valuable help.
Marco de Alberdi for the Malaga and Sculpture images